Minggu, 21 Juni 2015

History of SMAN 3 Bandung

is one of the National High School in West Java Province, Indonesia. The same as in general in Indonesia SMA future school education at SMAN 3 Bandung taken within three years of lessons (for regular classes) or two years of study (for grade acceleration), ranging from Class X to Class XII. Established in 1953, where previously named SMA B (1952), and before that was named SMA 1 B / C (1950). In 2007, the school was using Curriculum Education Unit prior to the CBC. In 2013, the school was trying Curriculum 2013 for class X (for class X Acceleration program still using the old curriculum)
 Established since 1953 SMAN 3 Bandung known as the Pacific High School is located on the road since Belitung No. 8 Bandung. This school is the first SMA featured in Bandung, then SMAN 5 Bandung and SMA 8 Bandung ranks 2 and 3. Graduates of this school successfully continued to many leading universities in Indonesia.

 The history and function of the building

 The school building is an old building that was built during the reign of the Dutch East Indies (1916), designed by architect Charles Prosper Wolff Schoemaker, who serves as the building Hoogere Burgerschool (HBS) is a high school for the Dutch and the Indonesian nobility (junior high school combined par (MULO) and SMA (AMS) with a 5-year study period).

This building stands on a land area of 14 240 m2 with a building area of 8,220 m2 facing north (Jalan Belitung) inhabited by two schools are SMU 3 Bandung in west and SMU 5 Bandung in the east. 3 SMU and SMU boundary 5 is limited only by the middle of the lane corridor that extends from north to south. This corridor boundary may also serves as a unifier between SMA SMA 3 and 5 so that the citizens of these two schools can coexist with harmony and peace. Among the students was never a dispute.
As for the history and function of the building is as follows:
Dutch period (1916 - 1942): Serves as building HBS, as HBS 4th colonial government established after HBS in Jakarta (27 November 1860), Surabaya (November 1875), and Semarang (November 1, 1877). The HBS third bermasa original 3-year study, since 1879 to be 5 years (HBS V).
Japanese period (1942 - 1945): Serves as the headquarters (barracks / dormitory) Japanese army (Kempeitai)
Transitional Period (1947 - 1950): In the morning serves as School VHO (Voortgezet Hoger Onderwijs) - Dutch-speaking high school or similar schools and evening as VHO Indonesian language. At that period Bandung and surrounding areas are still controlled by NICA so that the education system is still referring to the system that prevailed before the Japanese occupation. The school building used morning students Dutch national who was still much settled in Bandung, while noon-afternoon Indonesian student use.

1950: Indonesian language VHO renamed SMA 1 B / C, while VHO Dutch (ex HBS) into SMA 2 B / C. Since the recognition of sovereignty, an education system that is used at the school following the Indonesian education system. As the "new host" school "afternoon" (former Indonesian VHO) got number 1, while the "old home" school "morning" (ex VHO speak Dutch - ex HBS) got the serial number 2. With the recognition of the sovereignty Indonesia in December 1949, the number of students Dutch nation recede by itself, while the nation Indonesian students in increasing numbers. For the record at that time in Singapore, there are three SMA, the SMA 1 B / C at Jl. Belitung (afternoon class, ex VHO Indonesia), SMA 2 B / C at Jl. Belitung (morning classes, ex VHO Netherlands, former HBS), and SMA 3 A / B (ex SMA Parki, since 1950 was changed to SMA 3 A / B, would become the SMA Negeri 1 Bandung and SMAN 4 Bandung, located on Jl . Sumatra / Jl. Java).

 ear 1952: There was a school division, school 1 B / C into high school B and C while the SMA SMA 2 B / C to SMA 2 B. Students section C of the former high school 1 B / C and SMA 2 B / C coupled to SMA C. on the morning used to SMA 2 B (later to become SMAN 2 Bandung) and high C (later to become SMAN 5 Bandung), while in the afternoon used by SMA B (later to become SMA Negeri 3). In another part of SMA 3 A / B ex Parki also divided into SMA and SMA 3 B 3 A.
 1956: There was a change in nomenclature school, high school and became SMA III B. On the other SMA to SMA Negeri 2 B II B, C becomes SMA SMA V C. Meanwhile, two high school on Jl. Sumatra / Jl. Java, SMA 3 B becomes SMA IV B, 3 A to high school SMA Negeri I A. Therefore, until that time there were six high schools in Bandung, namely:
IA Senior High School (SMA 3A ex, ex SMA 3 A / B, the former high school Parki, the location is still riding on the location of SMP Negeri 2 Bandung and SMP Negeri 5 Bandung Jl. Sumatra / Jl. Java).
SMA II B (ex SMA 2B, the former high school 2 B / C, ex VHO Netherlands, former HBS, the location at Jl. Belitung).
SMA III B (former High School B, the former high school 1 B / C, ex VHO Indonesia, the location at Jl. Belitung).
SMA IV B (ex SMA 3B, ex SMA 3 A / B, the former high school Parki, the location is still riding on the location of SMP Negeri 2 Bandung and SMP Negeri 5 Bandung Jl. Sumatra / Jl. Java).
SMA VC (former Senior C, a combination of the former high school section C 1 B / C and SMA 2 B / C, located at Jl. Belitung).
SMA VI C (filial SMA VC, the location at Jl. Belitung).

Numbering school is not based on the year of establishment but by penjurusan A / B / C. Therefore, SMA Negeri 1 Bandung originally SMA 3A is numbered "I", SMA 2 B remains are numbered "II", high school B is numbered "III" for the number "I" has been given to SMA IA, as well as high school C alphabetically receive sequence number "V".

Some time later a change of nomenclature again, majors SMA was abolished, every school open all the good parts A (Culture and Literature / History), B (of Science / Natural Sciences), C (Social Sciences). SMA III B becomes SMA III.
 1966: SMA II moved to the Cihampelas (China occupies a former school) and SMA VI moved to the Sand Kaliki (China occupies a former school). SMA III "moved" into a morning class at Jl. Belitung with SMA V.

     In another part of SMA SMA I and IV who had previously gone in Jl. Sumatra / Jl. Java gets new location. SMA IV moved to Jl. Gardujati 20 (occupies a former elementary Chung Hwi), SMAN I moved to Jl. Ir. H. Juanda.
 1966 to present: Serves as building SMAN 3 Bandung and SMAN 5 Bandung.
 Various facilities are owned SMAN 3 Bandung to support teaching and learning activities. The facilities include:

     Biology Laboratory
     Physics Laboratory
     Chemistry Laboratory
     Computer Lab
     Language Laboratory
     Basketball / volleyball
     Football field / athletics
     Ward gymnastics / badminton court
     2 Hall
     AVI space
 SMA Negeri 3 has a lot of extracurricular activities, among them,

  • Perhimpunan Penjelajah Alam Jamadagni
  • Pramuka
  • Palang Merah Remaja
  • Spara (Paskibra)
  • KANST (Keamanan Sekolah Tiga)
  • UBBAS 3 (Unit Bola Basket 3)
  • Dewan Keluarga Masjid Al-Furqan
  • Pelayanan Siswa Kristen (LISTEN)
  • Nihongo Kurabu 3 (NK3)
  • KPA 3 (Keluarga Paduan Angklung 3)
  • MK 3 (Musik Klasik 3)
  • PASAGA 3 (Paduan Suara 3)
  • SEF 3 (Student English Forum 3)
  • SPeD 3 (Suara Pelajar Debat 3)
  • KV 3 (Kelompok Vokal 3)
  • SSR (Sanggar Seni Rupa)
  • LSS (Lingkung Seni Sunda)
  • T'ST (Tiloe's Teater)
  • MP 3 (Movie Production 3)
  • JEPRET! (Jelema Potret Tilu)
  • Foster (Softball Belitung Barat)
  • BC 3 (Badminton Club 3)
  • TIIS 3 (The Incredible Ice Skating 3)
  • KOMISI 3 (Koperasi Mitra Siswa 3)
  • M 3 (Majalah 3)
  • HI (Hiklatul Iman)
  • BM 3 (Belitung Muda 3)
  • Band 3  

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